Best Website on Earth…. NOT the BEST STORE!

Posted: March 5, 2015 in Internet & Social Media, The Shit List
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The Chive might just be the best website on earth… but their store sucks balls!  I ordered a set of pint beer chiveryglasses for a friend for Christmas of 2014…. the glasses arrived smashed and broken.  When contacting their “customer service”, they weren’t able to send out another set b/c they were on “back order”, after they said they were shipping out another set… immediately (haha what a joke) and then there was the “refund” they were supposed to be sending… except they “changed their policy” and don’t issue refunds anymore.  So fast forward to February 2015… I finally get a “store credit” for the cost of the pint glasses.  Well done!  So now I am forced to make another order and hope that it arrives unharmed… SAWEET! 20 emails and 14 broken promises later… Welcome to the shit list Chivery… thanks for coming through! #thechivery #thechive #chive #chivery

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