Archive for the ‘Celebrities’ Category

I tweeted about this after hearing the story, but I can’t let it go!  Whether it was a joke or not, it is not funny at all.  Andrew Hammond of the Ottawa Senators NHL team has been hamgiven the nickname “Hamburglar” by the fans and media… so he gets a “Free McDonald’s” for life card.  Whether it is a joke or he actually does it free McDonald’s for life… it really isn’t that funny.  For a company that drew in $2.6 Million just in the USA alone last year to give a Professional NHL Athlete free food for life is a joke.  Seriously, the guy makes $720K for a salary… so you’re telling me that he can’t pay for his own damn cheeseburger?  I am sure an elite athlete junks out every now and again and eats McDicks, but seriously, how about you give free food to the poor or homeless in his name or something instead of making headlines like this?  UGH!  Like Pro Athletes don’t make enough $$$ and get enough free shit?

kkkanyeSeriously Kim and Kanye?  Cuz this wasn’t a plan? Who the hell wants to see that after seeing your giant ass all over the internet? Eminem said it right… good or bad… press is press.  You keep stealing the headlines everywhere… and everyone keeps sucking it up!  WTF?  What kind of example are you setting for your kid?  I am sure North is going to love seeing this and explaining all this bullshit to her friends… and seeing pictures in archives of her naked mom all over the internet!  Keep on making your family proud ya psycho!

Who the fuck are you Azealia Banks? Legit?!  You don’t throw shade at people without getting it back… banksand now you have to pose in Playboy to grab more headlines?  Your public feuds with everyone are clearly a way to promote your shitty music so people actually find out who you are… I am giving you a mention because your shit is everywhere… and you suck 😉  Your the baddest bitch out there huh?  Keep living the dream… and don’t worry, nobody likes you 😉  Being a celebrity is always going to bring out haters… you are going to have some that love and some that hate… get the fuck used to it!  Hopefully your “management” can tell you about my post… since ur “lenting” and all. Ugh! Loser

batesI am loving this show.  From the get go, Norma and Norman are exactly what you can expect.  Incest, family history of crazy shit… it is amazing!  I am a huge fan of the Psycho Movies and the producers/writers of this show just keep hitting the nail on the head.  They can all go from normal to crazy in 10 seconds and it is exactly what you would expect from these characters!  Now into its 3rd Season… shit looks like it is going to hit the fan!  Bates Motel is crazytown and I can’t wait to see where it is going!  The Cool List fo sho!

tdownAs my review page ECKOFLIX grows, the first one to hit the shit list is Heroes!  Put out by NBC, it washeroes to be about a bunch of people who discover they have supernatural and have superhuman abilities… but it really fell short in the world of super hero shows.  I love super hero movies and shows… I’ll give anything a whirl… but seriously, this one suct!  I gave it the old college try… but into the 2nd season, I just couldn’t put up with the shitty special effects and how whiny the main characters where!  I can’t believe this went on for 4 whole seasons…. ugh.    There have been extensions, web series and talk of re-vamping the series… but I hope they don’t… what a waste of life!

downloadI love music and loved this song.  There are so many influences on music these days… but seriously, Pharrell Williams has been producing music for how long and for how many people?  Do you honestly think he would rip off a song knowingly and try and get away with it?  He has been behind so many original songstdown and compositions and been so successful… why in the fuck would he do this with Robin Thicke?  It makes no sense what so ever.  He has had a retarded amount of success without ever ripping off anyone… so why would he do it for this one song?  Such a crock of shit!  Ya, Robin Thicke might be an a-hole… but I love Pharrell and there is no way this actually happened… how many other “popular” songs can sound like past hits? Every shitty!  Considering that there are so many songs out there that sound alike… I can’t believe that Marvin Gaye’s family would be so damn greedy. Ugh!

appleThink different my ass!  I hate Mac, Apple and everything to do with anything that they put out! Phones, laptops, desktops… I hate them all!  Yeah sure, they produce fast computers and technology and have some cool shit… but seriously, everything has to sync up to work.  Steve Jobs built the company from the ground up and blah blah blah… but he gave shit to Bill Gates and Microsoft for doing the same shit… Steve just did it AFTER Bill… so that makes Windows a piece?  As if.  You can’t even make a song a ringtone on your fancy iPhone… so seriously Mac is better? Suck It Apple… I will never own another Apple product just on the principal that your fearless leader once threw shade (RIP Steve) at another company for doing the exact same bullshit you are.  Make ur Mac work with your Android device… see how far that gets you!

messSeriously Biebs? Why are you are such a mess!  You’re young, you’re rich and you’re Canadian… why can’t you make us proud?  You can have anything you ever want in life… but no, you decide to be a reject of life, get in shit with the law in a totally different country… or countries and are so far away from why you are even a success… the MUSIC!  I hate your tunes anyway, but legit, get your fucking life on track and go back to making music.  I am sure all the tween girls will love you for it.  Right now you are the joke of the celeb world and you  are giving Canada a bad name… oh wait… that ship has sailed and will continue to sail until you stop being the biggest reject in Canada.  Seriously, give it up!


I have to praise you for your appearance on Ellen… I mean at least you realize that you are acting like a spoiled piece of shit… so hopefully you can actually go back to putting oubiebermyballst some jams and get some of your respect back.  People are always going to poke fun and be jealous of the size of your bank account, but at least you can be a legit singer/songwriter/performer and stop being in the news for being a reject of life.  Dammit I wish I had your problems… all the money in the world, can break the law and buy yourself out of it… oh what a life! Get back with Nicki, make some jams and be a legit celeb!

It is out in the world! I have an unhealthy obsession with Tay Tay right now… I don’t know why… but I am loving her new music from 1989. I have never liked her country music, but since Shake It Off, I have be jammin’ to her tunes.

Enjoy the Official “Style” Vid!


P!nk had it totally right back in 2009 when “Kanye the Toolbox” broke up Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the VMA’s.  Taylor being the class act that she is,  let him carry on like the dumb ass he is.  Eminem always says “press is press” whether good or bad… clearly in this case, Eminem had it right… again.

Fast forward to 2015… the Toolbox thinks it would be funny to “storm the stage” and make it like he was going to do it again… funny? Not so much!   He later said in interviews that he really wasn’t going to do it and called the Grammy’s “a joke”.  Yes, we all think our favourites should win… but seriously Kanye? You are calling the Grammy’s a joke? Why? Because you can’t make a hit that would win you an award?

I legit can’t even name one song you even sing and I am a Top 40 kinda guy.  I listen to all kinds of music by all different artists… and still, can’t name one of your songs… or one of ytoolboxour albums… so really?  Who is the joke?  Your last #1 was in 2007…. time to retire?  Def a case of someone being famous for being a jackass.  I am sure your motorcycle video will go down as one of the best videos of all time… oh wait… did you win an award for that?  I’m sure that will spark some other award show melt down soon enough.  Feel free to go back into hiding and therapy… nobody will miss you.  I wish I could make that much money for being such a well publicized idiot! #jealous #loser #toolbox #getalife #kaynewest #getarealjob #grammy #2015grammy