Archive for the ‘Politics & Religion’ Category

downloadI love music and loved this song.  There are so many influences on music these days… but seriously, Pharrell Williams has been producing music for how long and for how many people?  Do you honestly think he would rip off a song knowingly and try and get away with it?  He has been behind so many original songstdown and compositions and been so successful… why in the fuck would he do this with Robin Thicke?  It makes no sense what so ever.  He has had a retarded amount of success without ever ripping off anyone… so why would he do it for this one song?  Such a crock of shit!  Ya, Robin Thicke might be an a-hole… but I love Pharrell and there is no way this actually happened… how many other “popular” songs can sound like past hits? Every shitty!  Considering that there are so many songs out there that sound alike… I can’t believe that Marvin Gaye’s family would be so damn greedy. Ugh!