Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

appleThink different my ass!  I hate Mac, Apple and everything to do with anything that they put out! Phones, laptops, desktops… I hate them all!  Yeah sure, they produce fast computers and technology and have some cool shit… but seriously, everything has to sync up to work.  Steve Jobs built the company from the ground up and blah blah blah… but he gave shit to Bill Gates and Microsoft for doing the same shit… Steve just did it AFTER Bill… so that makes Windows a piece?  As if.  You can’t even make a song a ringtone on your fancy iPhone… so seriously Mac is better? Suck It Apple… I will never own another Apple product just on the principal that your fearless leader once threw shade (RIP Steve) at another company for doing the exact same bullshit you are.  Make ur Mac work with your Android device… see how far that gets you!