Archive for the ‘The Cool List’ Category

batesI am loving this show.  From the get go, Norma and Norman are exactly what you can expect.  Incest, family history of crazy shit… it is amazing!  I am a huge fan of the Psycho Movies and the producers/writers of this show just keep hitting the nail on the head.  They can all go from normal to crazy in 10 seconds and it is exactly what you would expect from these characters!  Now into its 3rd Season… shit looks like it is going to hit the fan!  Bates Motel is crazytown and I can’t wait to see where it is going!  The Cool List fo sho!

If you aren’t watching it already, then you need to catch up and keep up with Vikings!  It is a great show! vikings The violence, the back story… everything is amazing!  They start out so low key and keeping to them selves.. and then slowly… they expand and start taking over the world!  I can’t wait to see where it goes!  The acting is amazing and you can’t predict who is going to eat shit and who is going to make it to the next episode! Go Vikings!

bbadI can’t believe I didn’t watch this show while it was actually showing every week.  I can feel for the characters, the story and how everything comes together.  Premise:  Just a regular Joe Blow teacher… who has a talent for chemistry finds out he has lung cancer and his demise is imminent, so he figures, hey… lets makes some Crystal Meth and make some $$$ for ma family?  It all escalates from there!  The violence, the stupid jokes, quirks and how it all escalates is the shit!  So glad I spent my holidays on Netflix and watching this! When Walt puts on the hat… watch the fuck out!  He means business!

imdbI have to say that I have a crazy love affair with this site and mobile app.  It lists everything that you will ever need to know about an actor/actress, movie, tv show, video game voice, commercial, quote, TV show season info, upcoming movies, projects, movie trailers, user ratings… holy crap the list goes on and on!  It is in my Cool List section… in case you haven’t been living under a rock… then you know why!  This site is the tits!