Posts Tagged ‘justinbieber’

messSeriously Biebs? Why are you are such a mess!  You’re young, you’re rich and you’re Canadian… why can’t you make us proud?  You can have anything you ever want in life… but no, you decide to be a reject of life, get in shit with the law in a totally different country… or countries and are so far away from why you are even a success… the MUSIC!  I hate your tunes anyway, but legit, get your fucking life on track and go back to making music.  I am sure all the tween girls will love you for it.  Right now you are the joke of the celeb world and you  are giving Canada a bad name… oh wait… that ship has sailed and will continue to sail until you stop being the biggest reject in Canada.  Seriously, give it up!


I have to praise you for your appearance on Ellen… I mean at least you realize that you are acting like a spoiled piece of shit… so hopefully you can actually go back to putting oubiebermyballst some jams and get some of your respect back.  People are always going to poke fun and be jealous of the size of your bank account, but at least you can be a legit singer/songwriter/performer and stop being in the news for being a reject of life.  Dammit I wish I had your problems… all the money in the world, can break the law and buy yourself out of it… oh what a life! Get back with Nicki, make some jams and be a legit celeb!