The Shit List… Droppin’ the Shade

Best Website on Earth…. NOT the BEST STORE!

The Chive might just might be the best website on earth… but their store clearly sucks ass.  It all started at chiverythe beginning of December.  I created an order for my friend who LOVES the Chive, so I decided to order a couple of things for Christmas from the Chivery for her.  So I ordered her two pint glasses to enjoy her drinks out of.  I live on a border town with Michigan and pickup shit all the time over there b/c it is cheaper.  Well… let me tell ya… shipping beer glasses from Texas was a HUGE mistake.  They arrive on December 20, (after ordering on December 4th) and they are SMASHED! Needless to say, her Christmas present is ruined.  After 10 emails, I FINALLY got a “store credit” on February 7th.  I still can’t order the pint glasses b/c they are on “back order”.  It took them 3 months to fix this! I still can’t believe I have to order from them again to use my “store credit” and actually get something out of this.  What a joke!


Mac, Apple and Anything In-Between

I am not an Apple user… I don’t own a Mac… and never plan to! Hypocrites piss me off to no end… and Apple is certainly one of the biggest.  Steve Jobs always used to bitch and applecomplain that Bill Gates and Microsoft own the computer world, have a monopoly and if it doesn’t have windows, then you can’t compete in the computer world.  Well props to you Mr. Jobs on proving that there can always be competition between companies, but you will never see me with an Apple device in my hand.  Mac and Apple have taken the world by storm with their fast, sleek gadgets and computers… but the entire principal of their use just entirely pisses me off.  You can’t tell me that your iPhone 6 works great with Windows, or that your Android tablet works awesome with your Mac Air… it is a lie.  If you don’t have all of the products in the Apple Line of devices, then they work like shit with any other OS.  You can’t even make a freakin’ song a ring tone on your iPhone… you have to email your self or load it onto iTunes or some shit… seriously? As if.  So Mr. Jobs (RIP) I get that you made cool shit and everyone is in love with your Macs and your Apples… but your hypocrisy is too much shit for me to handle and you will never see me promote, hold or even debate owning another Apple Product… ever. #never #mac #apple #hypocrite #nope #itunes

Kanye “the Toolbox” West

I haveloser to give him props for speaking his mind and actually being honest about how he feels about the state of the music industry… but what really gets my goat is when people think they are entitled to something for doing what they do.  Seriously bud… you haven’t had a hit since 2007, you came up with one of the most ridiculous names for your child and just haul ass in public as a complete waste.  If you really had respect for your peers, the public and yourself, you would take the good with the bad, win or lose… and do YOUR music for YOURSELF… not to be recognized at some awards show.  Ya, it is awesome to be recognized for what you do in your job and what it does for other people, but seriously… what? When you stand there and act like a jackass in front of thousands of people… when trying and make of a joke of it at the most prestigious of awards shows… it just goes to show that Bound 2 really is what you are capable of.  Props to P!nk for the best description…. “He’s just a toolbox” #blacklist #jackass #getalife #seeya #toolbox #kanyewest #kanye

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